What is QiGong?
Qi (or Chi) means Energy.
Gong means Work.
QiGong means Making the Energy Work.
QiGong is a system of health care that is over 2500 years old. Many newer forms of treatment such as acupuncture, tai chi, chiropractic, and reflexology come from the original practice of QiGong. QiGong exercises include breathing techniques, postures, meditation and focused intention to allow the natural energy in the body to flow correctly. When energy flows in the body correctly the body is AT EASE. When there is an interruption in the flow of energy we have DIS-EASE. QiGong can prevent disease or provide self-healing once disease occurs. In our world we experience STRESS and often find ourselves in a loop of anxiety staying in a "flight or fight" state. This is overuse of the autonomic nervous system. Qigong provides a way to turn this system OFF, and turn on the parasympathetic nervous system and teach the body and mind to relax. Qigong and Tai Chi classes provide gentle exercise and training in self treatment using these wonderful modalities.
Medical QiGong Treatments include Qi Transmissions, and this is called External Qi Healing. Transmissions help to move stagnant energy and clear the body of toxins which have a negative effect on health, as well as introduce “Good Chi” into the body for healing. In addition to teaching classes, I also provide qi transmissions for both people and animals. I have had great success with dogs who are ill, or have energy imbalances. Animals respond quickly to Qigong treatment because they don't have our desire to understand or control the energy. They relax and allow the treatments to work in a way most humans do not yet understand.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes QiGong as a vital form of medical care, and PREVENTION magazine lists medical QiGong treatment along with acupuncture and physical therapy as the top three treatments for chronic pain. Medical QiGong is not a form of massage therapy or physical therapy, and complements traditional medical care.